Dr. Ranjani Viswanatha
CRSI Bronze Medal (2020)
C. V. Raman Award for Young Scientist by Karnataka State (2019)
MRSI Award (2018)
DST Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Young Career Award (2017)
SERB Womens’ Scientist Award (2017)
Sheikh Saqr Career Award Fellow (2015)
Indian National Science Academy Young Scientist Medal (2014)
Toulouse Best Thesis Award awarded by Indian Institute of Science, (2007)
Merit Scholarship in SSLC awarded by the Karnataka State Board.
Mahima Makkar
Best poster award in International Winter School 2020 on Frontiers of Materials Science at JNCASR, India.
AWSAR best research story on “Nature’s play in dual doping of quantum dots” by National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC) Division, Department of Science and Technology (DST) [https://www.awsar-dst.in/result2019, AW/2019/4313].
Best Poster Teaser Award in In-House Symposium 2018, JNCASR.
Best poster award in the seventh edition of Chemical Frontiers held at Goa (August 2016).
Best poster award in International Winter School 2016 on Frontiers of Materials Science at JNCASR, India.
Best poster award in International Winter School 2015 on Frontiers of Materials Science at JNCASR, India.
Pradeep K R
Winner of Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Award/Appreciation 2020 .
Won Best ePoster Award in LightEm Online conference by NanoGe 2020.
Won Best Poster Award in In-House Symposium 2018 JNCASR